IT tips & tricks
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Proudly providing IT services for Lethbridge, Taber, Vauxhall, Fort Macleod and Claresholm!

Troubleshooting 101: 9 Steps to Try Before Calling IT Support
When your business’s computer hardware is a few years old, it’s only natural that things start to slow down. Even if you take the very best care of all your machinery, it’s likely that you’ll encounter an issue at one point or another. Want to try troubleshooting on...

4 Signs That It’s Time to Get IT Support for Your Business
When you’re just starting your business, it’s only natural to want to cut costs where you can. And maybe for the first few years, that’s okay! But as you continue to grow and hardware starts to wear out, how do you tell when it’s time to get help? Nuvex Solutions...

The 4 Most Common Reasons for Developing a Computer Virus
Keeping free from a computer virus isn’t just good for protecting your business’s information! Staying vigilant against malware also improves the credibility of your brand and could even increase the longevity of your hardware. You might be thinking: I don’t even know...
The Top 3 Email Hosting Services for Business Class Emails
Now in 2021, most business owners know the benefit of having business class emails with a custom domain. In a 2016 survey, 75% of consumers believe that having a domain-based email is a key factor in trusting a business. Nearly 25% said they would be reluctant to...
A Simple Glossary of 12 More Useful IT Terms
Looking for more useful terms that will help make understanding IT easier? Nuvex Solutions is back again with 5 more IT terms that are broken down and easy to understand. Looking for the first part of our blog? Find it here! IT Terms #1: Backup When applied in IT...
A Simple Glossary of 14 Useful IT Terms
A lot of IT terms can be extremely intimidating. While this may be the case for most professions, the IT (information technology) and the computer sector is a relatively young industry. Although the first computer was built as far back as the 1940s, they didn’t become...
3 Ways Managed IT Services Can Boost Your Business
When people think of IT services, they often think of a relationship akin to pushing a great bigpanic button when an emergency happens. In a lot of cases, they might not be wrong to thinkthat way. But as IT specialists ourselves, we asked ourselves: why does it have...

why nuvex?
Nuvex is your most trusted and reliable IT provider ensuring any IT inquiry is addressed within 4 hours or less!

4-hour response time
We respond to all customer inquires within 4 hours of contacting us!

Expert IT professionals
All our IT techs have passion and experience in delivering world-class IT support.

Worry-free IT
We ensure all your IT needs are addressed and covered so you can focus on what you do best!

Affordable pricing
Our pricing model ensures you get exactly what you need in one easy-to-manage monthly payment.

Security & confidentiality
Our service provides you with peace of mind knowing your data is secure and stays confidential.

Maximum potential
Keep your team and company operating at full potential without downtime or IT headaches!